Tuesday, July 29, 2008

When I Grow Up...

Today we went to visit the lawyer to finalize our will. Let me first say if you haven't done your own will, you should definitely do so. I didn't fully understand the importance until we had done so ourselves. The fun part of this process was taking Gracie along.

The lawyer has known Eric's family for a long time and was very relaxed with Gracie in (all over) his office.

Check out our future lawyer...

All In A Day's Work

"I have to take this call."

"I have to type these important legal documents." (can we say genius)

"I'd be lost without my Blackberry."
"How do I get my e-mail on this thing?"
At the end of the day, it's all about the big, comfy chair!


Tina said...

How cute is that!!??! Fun post!

McFurr said...

I love it, we could probably use a good lawyer in the family.

Unknown said...

This is too funny and so very cute. Glad she's already technologically savvy!