Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have so many reasons to be thankful...
  1. Salvation and God's grace in my life
  2. My patient, loving, hardworking, husband
  3. My precious baby girl
  4. Hugs and kisses from my baby girl
  5. Being called "momma"
  6. My sister whom I love very much
  7. My niece who I admire and adore
  8. My parents
  9. My inlaws and extended family
  10. A babysitter who loves my daughter and who my daughter loves
  11. A good job
  12. A few close friends who love me
  13. My home
  14. More than enough food to eat : )
  15. A church interested in sharing God's love in real ways
  16. Scrapbooking and the people I have met while doing so
  17. Mountain Dew


Tina said...

Great list!!

And I'm behind, but I HOPE I'm included in that #15!!

Mountain Dew...haha!!

Oh Dear said...

So nice to be blessed isn't it and how honest that you included your fav, Mt. Dew! I did not see Scrabble on there though!