Thursday, October 9, 2008

How I Spent My Fall Break

Well, my Fall Break is almost over and I am saddened by this fact. I will miss the days with my girl and most of all evenings free of school work. I did enjoy the week at home and was somewhat productive...

I visited with friends, one I hadn't seen in quite a while. It was bittersweet. I enjoyed seeing her, but realized just how much I miss her being around. She has such a sweet spirit.

I celebrated my husband's birthday.

I transformed Gracie's room into her "big girl room". Including cleaning out clothes and toys for consignment.

I cleaned the house.

I cooked a couple of pretty good meals.

Most of all, I spent quality time with Gracie and Eric.

I am going to miss this when i get back to the grind next week.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Ah, what a nice week! And yes, I know it's coming to an end, but hey, it'll be Christmas break before you know it! Oh, the perks of being a teacher!! :)